Thursday, June 18, 2009

He Is Enough

My dear friend Kristy let me borrow a book called "Do you think I'm beautiful?" by Angela Thomas and this is a great book! I'm not done with it yet, but I have already learned so much from it!

I never really put too much thought into it until I starting reading this book, but I have been like most women I'm sure, who are always trying to fill their lives with things only to realize that nothing will ever fill up their hearts completely, but God will!
I'm a stay at home mother and I absoultely love my job even though it can bring frustration, tears, hard times, and moments of wanting to give up. I know that through the midst of all the negative, the positive far outweighs it all! My girls are nine and six years old and in the past I have felt like because they are growing up, it's time to have another child so that I can constantly feel needed by someone. I failed to see that I am just trying to fill my heart with something to love but God is the only one who will ever fill that void. Not more stuff, not another baby, not a new car, not a new house...just God! Without Him in my life, I will never be completely full. And that presence cannot just simply be a presence, it must be an intimate, personal relationship with God. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of searching and searching for things to fill up my heart and soul only to still feel that hole...I choose God, I choose a personal intimate relationship with my Father, I choose to give it all to him and lay it at His feet. I don't want to feel emty anymore!

My prayer today is
Dear God,
Fill my heart and soul with your presence and your never ending love. Make me constantly aware that only YOU can make me whole and allow me to become more intimate and personal with YOU every single day because only then will I ever be completely whole!

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