Thursday, February 18, 2010

Good Enough

The closer I grow to God, it seems like the more questions I have about who I am, what I'm supposed to be and how I should be living my life. Sometimes it's so hard being a stay at home mom and knowing if you're doing enough for the cause of Christ, at least thats how I feel anyway. Being a stay at home mom doesn't allow for me to come in contact with a lot of people and I rarely have conversations with adults, so I've always wondered, how can I live my life for Christ by being stuck inside all the time? Am I doing enough to be a light in this dark world?
"The Me I want to be-becoming God's best version of me" by John Ortberg, says I can!

I stumbled upon this book last weekend in the bible book store and I really only bought it because it was on the "sale" shelf and the title sounded good. Boy, did I not realize at the time that God intended me to stumble upon this book for a very special purpose! This book has begun to answer all those questions I've been asking myself. The "Am I living my life right?", "How can I be a witness of his love?", "Am I good enough?" questions that my plague my thoughts on a daily basis. I truly believe that when you run toward God, he shows you exactly what you need to see and he is certainly showing me all that and then some!

Yes, I'm a stay at home mom and sometimes that job goes unnoticed to most and unappreciated to many, but now I know that it also goes noticed to some of the most important people in my life~my children, my husband, my friends, my family and most importantly, my savior! The time I take to make dinner for my family, the bible stories I tell to my girls, the blessings we ask as a family, the prayers we pray before I kiss my girls good night, the upkeep of our home, the heart to hearts I have with my husband and everything else in between~it matters! I make a difference in whatever I do as long as I'm doing it for the glory of God! God wants me to be the best version of me because he created me and everything he creates has a purpose. I have a purpose!

There are many things I need to work on in my life and thats okay because I always want to be a work in progress because if there is nothing to work toward then what else is there? I will never be done until I leave this earth and meet my heavenly father and that is perfectly okay with me! I'm not perfect and sometimes I don't measure up, but I'm still a treasure in the arms of Christ. I'm good enough for God and I'm good enough for me, but I'm striving to become God's best version of me:)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Taylor Picture Shoot

It started snowing again today and I wanted to take some pictures of Taylor with snow as the background...I got some flakes in there, but still think these pictures capture her true beauty! I love my beautiful little angel!