Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Spoken To

The Bible study that I have started is SO AWESOME and I know that God brought me there for a reason. I have turned away from him for a few months now, and I know that this was the catalyst that brought me back where I belong!
My thought closet has been FULL of negativity, jealousy, and resentment and it needs a MAJOR overhaul, effective immediately! When you let these kind of thoughts consume your mind, they will also rule your life and cause distruction all around you...I don't want that for myself, I want Jesus! I choose to let him rule my thoughts and my life!

For the past few months, I have been consumed with the fact that my life isn't as good as everyone else's and I have also been preoccupied with all the negativity around me. It was becoming a thorn in my side and that thorn was trying to take over those around me as well. I put God on the back burner and tried to hide myself from him because I simply wanted an excuse not to change.

David and I don't have a lot of money and we have struggled financially our whole relationship. It has been a rough road at times and there have been feelings of guilt, and bitterness. Those feelings took over my entire thought process and I then failed to realize just how many blessings God has put in my life. Look at all I have been through the past year~I made it through almost nine months of my husband being gone and being a single mother, I had a MAJOR life changing surgery with my husband gone, lost 112 lbs, reclaimed my confidence and self esteem, had another minor surgery, fell in love with my husband all over again, made amazing friends, and SO MUCH MORE! No, David & I don't have a lot of money, but we have each other and our beautiful girls, a house over our heads, food on our table and more importantly-GOD! I have a God that has never left me no matter how many times I have turned my eyes from him-he ALWAYS takes me back with no strings attached! If that isn't blessed, I don't know what is!

It's time for me to re-focus and clean out my thought closet for GOOD! God is speaking to me and I will listen!

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