Friday, October 8, 2010

Use Me!

Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pans

I stand in awe of my savior when I look back on my life over this past year and realize how far He's brought me in my journey with Him! I came from being burnt out from church and church people, to being completely used in a church we love and surrounded by people we couldn't imagine not having in our life.

As we began our "Radical Journey" with Lifesong church, I fasted for 40 days and cut out a lot of extra distractions in my life that hindered my relationship with God. At this same time, I began to pray that God would use me in any way he saw fit through Lifesong and he has done that and more and I am blessed by it! Some women in church brought David and I a meal after I got back from Haiti in July and some other women in church brought me meals after I had surgeries and a miscarriage and it meant so much to us. I knew I wanted to "pay it forward" somehow and I asked the women how I could become a part of that ministry and they simply said "Come on!" I started helping make and deliver meals to people in need with my sweet friends who share the passion for serving others. Our ministry is called "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pans" and I just can't quite put it into words how it makes me feel to be a part of something bigger than myself! I know I'm serving God through serving others and I just love it so much! I feel called to women's ministry and I continue to pray that God would provide me with opportunities to be His hands and feet in that area! I am saying clearly, "God USE ME!" I am willing and able and it's my honor to serve my King!

I think sometimes we as Christ followers can get lost in the background and take our gifts for granted when it comes to serving God. I don't want to be that person anymore, I want to be used anywhere and anytime I can, knowing that I am giving glory to the only one who deserves all of me! Are you willing to be used by God? He can do AMAZING things through you if you simply say "God USE ME!"

Monday, August 30, 2010

My Sweet Hannah Is Eight!!

On this day eight years ago, I gave birth to a beautiful 9lb 9oz baby girl at 4:22pm~Hannah Mary Elizabeth! From the moment I laid eyes on her, she took my breath away and every time I look into her big, beautiful, brown eyes I see myself and smile. Hannah is almost a carbon copy of myself and I couldn't love her more! She's my funny, talented, loving, sweet, generous, smart, beautiful, drama queen , DIVA all wrapped up into one and she brings me pure joy!! I am blessed to have watched her bloom into a beautiful young lady who loves Jesus, her family, her friends and life itself!! I thank God for her every day and pray that she continues to follow Him through life and I pray that she will be the salt and light to all she encounters. HAPPY 8th BIRTHDAY HANNAH...I'm BLESSED to be your Mommy and I LOVE YOU from here to heaven!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Radical Journey

Our church Lifesong, has started a new sermon series called "Radical Journey" and we have all been asked to fast for forty days in order to seek God's will and message for our lives. When thinking about what I could fast, I wanted to fast something that took a lot of my time and use that time for God instead, so I chose to fast from all television for those forty days and that began yesterday. When I came home from Haiti, I had already felt God leading me to stop watching certain shows and I have done that, but eliminating all television is something I am willing to do in order to remove all distraction from my life just to hear what he wants to say.

I'm very proud of David as well, as he has never done anything like this and is comitted to fasting from tv also and just spend time with God. I'm no expert in fasting, but I was able to give him some pointers and I am praying for my husband as he seeks God's will for his life and ours.

There is no mistaking that God has been BUSY working and moving in our lives in the past year or so and it has been such a blessing to see it all unfold. I know that he has moved us closer and closer to his side and there's no other place I'd rather be! We are blessed to have been lead back to Lifesong church where God is a constant and you feel his presence everytime you walk through the doors and in the people who are our family there. God is alive and well through the people of Lifesong and we are just thankful to be a part of it and know that we finally belong somewhere!!

As many of us from Lifesong begin our "Radical journey" together, my constant prayer is that we would all seek God's face, hear his word, and act on his will for our lives...let's all just do RADICAL things for Christ because he has done RADICAL things for us and deserves nothing less!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Haiti Trip 2010~Forever In My Heart

I went on this trip to Haiti with no expectations of what I would see and experience, I just knew that God had called me to leave everything behind for seven days and give of myself for others. I was willing do that and I am truly blessed because of it. Haiti was one of those countries that I had only seen on tv or in a magazine and it never hit home with me until I set foot in Port Au Prince, Haiti and was able to truly witness the devastation of what an earthquake, poverty stricken country actually looked like. Life changing is what it was and it was hard to imagine having to live like this on a daily basis, but to the Haitians, it’s all they’ve ever known.

We went there to serve the Haitian people but they were the ones who truly served us and touched our hearts in so many ways. For me, it wasn’t the painting, the sanding, or the physical labor that impacted my life as much as it was the children and people that left a mark on my soul. They were some of the most giving, loving, polite and caring people I have ever met. And even though the language barrier was difficult, there was no denying that God’s love was alive and well in their hearts and lives, just as it is in mine. We serve the same God and that fact alone is awesome!

The children were the light of my life on this trip and even when my homesickness set in, they could turn my sadness into joy just by being around me, making me laugh, playing games and even trying to wipe my tattoos off my arms! They have nearly nothing, yet are the happiest children I’ve ever seen. They became very attached to us and we became attached to them. Leaving them was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do and I hope to see them again one day. Knowing that I helped allow just one child to eat by sponsoring him, allowed me to feel like I had made a small impact and that was worth it all. When these children who only eat one meal a day are sponsored, they know it and they become a happier child and seeing that was amazing. We all can make a difference in a child’s life by giving just $30 a month which allows the child to eat one meal a day five times a week, sends them to school and provides an animal for their family. It will change their world and yours!

I am still trying to process everything that God taught me on this trip, but I know for sure that he opened my eyes to the world around me and made me appreciate so much more what we take for granted in this nation. He taught me how to treasure my children more, how to give of myself for others and expect nothing in return, how to love without limitation, how mighty our God is when he uses different cultures to advance his kingdom together. He taught me so many things that I will always treasure. The only thing I haven’t learned is how to stop missing those precious children who stole my heart in Haiti, but I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat! To truly know what was seen and felt there, can only be done by going and experiencing it for yourself. It will leave an imprint on your heart and soul that can never be replaced , God will use you in mighty ways and the people of Haiti will thank you in the process. There is hope in Haiti!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Baptism~It's A Beautiful Thing!

Yesterday, my family and I had the amazing opporunity to be baptized at Lyman Lake in front our brothers and sisters in Christ and our extended family and it was a BEAUTIFUL thing! David, Taylor and I were all baptized and it was such an awesome experience and one that we will always remember!

David and I have both been baptized as children, but we wanted to be baptized again because it just means something different now that we're so much closer to Jesus and have such a strong relationship with him and understand the meaning of baptism so much more than we did when we were younger. Words cannot describe what a blessing it was!

Our ten year old daughter Taylor gave her heart to the Lord this past school year in "Good News Club" and she wanted to be baptized as well. The most amazing part, was that her daddy was able to baptise her and it was so special and heart warming!! I know she'll never forget that moment in her precious walk with God.

Yesterday was amazing and it will always stand out in our memory of what God can do in someone's life, how he can restore relationships, and renew our spirits. We are a family who is madly and deeply in love with Jesus and what could be better than that?

Our church family is AMAZING! 35 people were baptized yesterday and what a testament to what God is doing through Lifesong that was!! Lifesong is a family where we know we'll always belong, and it's such a great feeling!! God is ever present in this place!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Haiti Trip

Dear Friends and Family,

I hope that God is doing as many wonderful things in your life as He is in mine. I am having a wonderful year, and feeling God's will to do more for the world around me.

I want to share with you a challenging ministry opportunity that God has presented to me. In July, God has offered me the opportunity to travel to Port Au Prince, Haiti with a group from Lifesong church. This seven day missions trip will be reaching out and spreading the gospel to the people while helping to provide medical supplies, water/food and love! There is also a vision to help rebuild an orphanage.

While God has opened up a door for me to develop a greater heart of compassion for his people around the world, the exciting part is that you will be able to share in this compassion in several ways. First, you can help pray for me and my fellow team members. We will need prayers that God will prepare us for our visit and bless our efforts as we minister. We will also need prayers that our financial needs will be met. At this time we will need about $1500 per person to attend this trip and that is quite a challenge!

Another way you can help be invloved is to provide that financial support. Would you consider supporting me with a small donation? If you feel led to contribute please click on the "donate" button at the end of this blog entry and be assured that your 100% donation will be used to help send myself and others on this mission trip. I need to raise the money by June 30th in order to attend this trip. Whether you feel led to contribute financially, through prayer, or both, all your support is appreciated!

I look forward to doing God's work and sharing with you how God worked through our team when I return home in July.

Thank you and God Bless,
Caley England

Monday, April 12, 2010

It's Been Awhile!

It's been awhile since my last post and so many things are going on, so I thought an update was long overdue....We have finally gotten involved in church and are absolutely loving it! I am going to my third ladies bible study and I have made so many great friendships there, it's just awesome! Mondays have now become a day that I look forward to with anticipation and most people don't say that about Mondays, LOL!!
David has joined a mens bible study and he is enjoying that as well. He speaks to so many people at church now and it's exciting to see his love for church again! We've also joined a lifegroup that we really enjoy. We're in the process of partnering with Lifesong church which is very exciting for us because we finally have a church to call home and it feels amazing!
The girls are involved in Sunday school and they absolutely love it which makes us very proud parents! Taylor gave her heart to Jesus about a month ago and it was inspiring...Hannah is sure to follow and we thank God for our precious girls who now have a heart for Jesus!

In the last bible study I did, I really felt God calling me to obey his will for my life and to throw fear right out the window and I feel like I am finally able to do that. A few months ago, our pastor mentioned our church being involved in a future mission trip to Haiti for earthquake relief and from that moment, I couldn't get the idea out of my head or heart. I knew God was calling me to be a part of it and even though I've never had a desire to do any kind of mission work, I knew this mission trip would be a catalyst for change. It will be life changing and I can't describe the feeling, but I think you just know when God has called you to do something and when you're walking hand in hand with him, you're ready, willing and able to give it all up to obey that call. I've finally come to that place in my life and in June I will be going with a team from our church to Port Au Prince Haiti, to help rebuild, pass out much needed supplies and love on the people of Haiti. I am ready to serve my God!

There are just so many different ways that God is blessing our family right now that I am in awe of him and it just grows me even closer to the person he created me to be and I couldn't be more excited about that. When God is the center of your life, everything else just falls into place the way it was intended to...God is AMAZING and I give him all the glory!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Good Enough

The closer I grow to God, it seems like the more questions I have about who I am, what I'm supposed to be and how I should be living my life. Sometimes it's so hard being a stay at home mom and knowing if you're doing enough for the cause of Christ, at least thats how I feel anyway. Being a stay at home mom doesn't allow for me to come in contact with a lot of people and I rarely have conversations with adults, so I've always wondered, how can I live my life for Christ by being stuck inside all the time? Am I doing enough to be a light in this dark world?
"The Me I want to be-becoming God's best version of me" by John Ortberg, says I can!

I stumbled upon this book last weekend in the bible book store and I really only bought it because it was on the "sale" shelf and the title sounded good. Boy, did I not realize at the time that God intended me to stumble upon this book for a very special purpose! This book has begun to answer all those questions I've been asking myself. The "Am I living my life right?", "How can I be a witness of his love?", "Am I good enough?" questions that my plague my thoughts on a daily basis. I truly believe that when you run toward God, he shows you exactly what you need to see and he is certainly showing me all that and then some!

Yes, I'm a stay at home mom and sometimes that job goes unnoticed to most and unappreciated to many, but now I know that it also goes noticed to some of the most important people in my life~my children, my husband, my friends, my family and most importantly, my savior! The time I take to make dinner for my family, the bible stories I tell to my girls, the blessings we ask as a family, the prayers we pray before I kiss my girls good night, the upkeep of our home, the heart to hearts I have with my husband and everything else in between~it matters! I make a difference in whatever I do as long as I'm doing it for the glory of God! God wants me to be the best version of me because he created me and everything he creates has a purpose. I have a purpose!

There are many things I need to work on in my life and thats okay because I always want to be a work in progress because if there is nothing to work toward then what else is there? I will never be done until I leave this earth and meet my heavenly father and that is perfectly okay with me! I'm not perfect and sometimes I don't measure up, but I'm still a treasure in the arms of Christ. I'm good enough for God and I'm good enough for me, but I'm striving to become God's best version of me:)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Taylor Picture Shoot

It started snowing again today and I wanted to take some pictures of Taylor with snow as the background...I got some flakes in there, but still think these pictures capture her true beauty! I love my beautiful little angel!