Monday, April 12, 2010

It's Been Awhile!

It's been awhile since my last post and so many things are going on, so I thought an update was long overdue....We have finally gotten involved in church and are absolutely loving it! I am going to my third ladies bible study and I have made so many great friendships there, it's just awesome! Mondays have now become a day that I look forward to with anticipation and most people don't say that about Mondays, LOL!!
David has joined a mens bible study and he is enjoying that as well. He speaks to so many people at church now and it's exciting to see his love for church again! We've also joined a lifegroup that we really enjoy. We're in the process of partnering with Lifesong church which is very exciting for us because we finally have a church to call home and it feels amazing!
The girls are involved in Sunday school and they absolutely love it which makes us very proud parents! Taylor gave her heart to Jesus about a month ago and it was inspiring...Hannah is sure to follow and we thank God for our precious girls who now have a heart for Jesus!

In the last bible study I did, I really felt God calling me to obey his will for my life and to throw fear right out the window and I feel like I am finally able to do that. A few months ago, our pastor mentioned our church being involved in a future mission trip to Haiti for earthquake relief and from that moment, I couldn't get the idea out of my head or heart. I knew God was calling me to be a part of it and even though I've never had a desire to do any kind of mission work, I knew this mission trip would be a catalyst for change. It will be life changing and I can't describe the feeling, but I think you just know when God has called you to do something and when you're walking hand in hand with him, you're ready, willing and able to give it all up to obey that call. I've finally come to that place in my life and in June I will be going with a team from our church to Port Au Prince Haiti, to help rebuild, pass out much needed supplies and love on the people of Haiti. I am ready to serve my God!

There are just so many different ways that God is blessing our family right now that I am in awe of him and it just grows me even closer to the person he created me to be and I couldn't be more excited about that. When God is the center of your life, everything else just falls into place the way it was intended to...God is AMAZING and I give him all the glory!

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