Monday, August 2, 2010

Haiti Trip 2010~Forever In My Heart

I went on this trip to Haiti with no expectations of what I would see and experience, I just knew that God had called me to leave everything behind for seven days and give of myself for others. I was willing do that and I am truly blessed because of it. Haiti was one of those countries that I had only seen on tv or in a magazine and it never hit home with me until I set foot in Port Au Prince, Haiti and was able to truly witness the devastation of what an earthquake, poverty stricken country actually looked like. Life changing is what it was and it was hard to imagine having to live like this on a daily basis, but to the Haitians, it’s all they’ve ever known.

We went there to serve the Haitian people but they were the ones who truly served us and touched our hearts in so many ways. For me, it wasn’t the painting, the sanding, or the physical labor that impacted my life as much as it was the children and people that left a mark on my soul. They were some of the most giving, loving, polite and caring people I have ever met. And even though the language barrier was difficult, there was no denying that God’s love was alive and well in their hearts and lives, just as it is in mine. We serve the same God and that fact alone is awesome!

The children were the light of my life on this trip and even when my homesickness set in, they could turn my sadness into joy just by being around me, making me laugh, playing games and even trying to wipe my tattoos off my arms! They have nearly nothing, yet are the happiest children I’ve ever seen. They became very attached to us and we became attached to them. Leaving them was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do and I hope to see them again one day. Knowing that I helped allow just one child to eat by sponsoring him, allowed me to feel like I had made a small impact and that was worth it all. When these children who only eat one meal a day are sponsored, they know it and they become a happier child and seeing that was amazing. We all can make a difference in a child’s life by giving just $30 a month which allows the child to eat one meal a day five times a week, sends them to school and provides an animal for their family. It will change their world and yours!

I am still trying to process everything that God taught me on this trip, but I know for sure that he opened my eyes to the world around me and made me appreciate so much more what we take for granted in this nation. He taught me how to treasure my children more, how to give of myself for others and expect nothing in return, how to love without limitation, how mighty our God is when he uses different cultures to advance his kingdom together. He taught me so many things that I will always treasure. The only thing I haven’t learned is how to stop missing those precious children who stole my heart in Haiti, but I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat! To truly know what was seen and felt there, can only be done by going and experiencing it for yourself. It will leave an imprint on your heart and soul that can never be replaced , God will use you in mighty ways and the people of Haiti will thank you in the process. There is hope in Haiti!

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